!Hello!,I am Alex Banguero, a Colombian native who was raised in Spain. My upbringing sharpened my interpersonal abilities and gave me a profound grasp of various cultures. I have always had a deep love for video games, which began when I was four years old and was inspired by the timeless classic Super Mario Bros. My passion for gaming has continued to grow throughout the years, greatly improving my life.
Motivated by an innate love for computer science, I started exploring the world of web design. I became proficient in a variety of technologies, including database administration and programming languages, via intense study. My academic endeavours provided me with priceless chances to work for notable companies, where I refined my organizational skills and communication abilities.
Outside of the digital world, I find happiness and comfort in sports, with football being a sport I'm quite passionate about. My participation in this field advanced to a semi-professional level, instilling in me values like respect for colleagues, teamwork, and solidarity. These qualities have easily crossed over into my personal and professional activities, going beyond the boundaries of the area.
Ninja Revolution
The Flying Narwhal
Coursework Group Project
RPG 2D Game
Unity Engine
Plaform: PC
3D Game
Unity Engine
Plaform: PC
Player Controll
Health System
Attack System
Movement Controll
Attack System
Egypt Survival
Coursework Project
3D Shooting Game
Unreal Engine
Plaform: PC
VFX Effects